1984 and Corrupt Socialism Corrupt Socialism and 1984 In 1984, George Orwell understands his vaticination for the future of society through the dystopia that is Oceania, where the corrupted knowledgeable troupe controls the Outer Party and the proles. The primary method the Party uses to guard authority over the people is to prevent them from remembering preceding history. The Inner Party also controls the population through the Newspeak language, in which they keep limiting the vocabulary that the people have to show their thoughts and emotions, thus slowly removing the thought process from human demeanour alto drop deadher.
Orwell uses Oceania to demonstrate what can happen to a socialist society. Orwell demonstrates his plosive for the future because he fears the growing popularity of socialism where one paper word of people gains control and becomes corrupt, leading to a undemocratic government. The Inner Party managed to remain in control of Oceania by ever-changing history and not allowing people to recall...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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